Friday, September 24, 2010

Star Student

Carley's principal called yesterday to let us know that Carley's teacher nominated her for Star Student for this week. I BIG HONOR!! ;) So Campbell and I went to the assembly this morning and watched her get her certificate and cool new t-shirt. She was SOOO excited! Here is what her teacher wrote about her:
I was so thrilled to give it to her! She deserved it! These are just some of the things I catch Carley doing during class!
· On task all the time
· Stops what she is doing and listens to my directions
· Completes her work in a timely manner
· Helps other friends in class · HELPS ME ALL THE TIME!
I adore having Carley in my class this year!

Music to a mom's ears!! Now we are off to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate. (something Chris and I are a little less excited about!!)

1 comment:

kristen said...

Way to go Carley! That is awesome!