Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Soccer, Softball and T-ball -- OH MY!!!!!!

I always said we would only do one sport per season per kid, but boy was I wrong. This year Carley wanted to try softball, which I was all for, but I hated to take her off her soccer team because she has a fun coach and really enjoys the girls on the team. If you take them off the team, there is no guarantee they will get back on the same team. UGH! So, since the games and practices didn't overlap, we let her do softball AND soccer at the same time. Partner these two with Campbell's first t-ball season and you get one busy family!!!!!!!!!! But it is so much fun! Since Chris isn't in football, he is able to help in both t-ball and softball and really enjoys it. Campbell struggled through soccer last spring, but LOVES t-ball!! He asks all the time when his next game or practice is. This is soooo good to hear since he didn't like soccer at all! Carley is doing great in soccer and had her first softball game last week - where she hit a double might I add!!! :) Here are a few pics I took at Carley's softball practices, Campbell's game and Carley's softball game. I will post more game pics later. I have them on my phone and can't figure out how to transfer them to the computer!!

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