Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jailbreak Run

Chris and I ran in the Jailbreak Run in Roanoke this past weekend. It was a lot fun, but we want to get a lot of people together next year to do it with us. Then it would be SUPER fun!! It was a 3.8 mile run combined with 14 obstacles. It was pretty relaxed... not really a race but more so just people having fun. All proceeds benefited the Sower of Seeds organization that helps drill healthy drinking water wells in other countries. Now that the race is over I think I am going to mix it up a bit with my workouts... running really hurts my hips! They have hurt almost everyday since I started running again back in February. Maybe Zumba?? Maybe Hip Hop Abs??? Who knows... :)
Our reward... COLD BEER!
After crawling through the mud to the finish line

before we started

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