Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quill Awards

Recently, I entered our church's stewardship campaign materials (financial campaign) I created last year (along with three other team members) for a Dallas Quill award given by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Dallas chapter. These are really big awards in the Communications/PR realm. I entered our packet in the contest mainly because the judges supposedly give feedback for each entry. Therefore you have highly respected people in the industry giving you constructive criticism on your work - can only make you better, right? I though of it as free consultation to be used in upcoming projects. To our surprise, we were selected as finalist!! Last night at the Dallas Quill awards banquet, we were honored with an Award of Merit and were in the middle of some BIG company (like Susan G. Komen, leading PR firms in the metroplex and so forth. It was really cool! The guest speaker was Bill Lively, head of the Super Bowl committee. He had to speak quick because he had a 9:15 p.m. conference call with the NFL! HA! Can you imagine?! Chris and I enjoyed cocktails and a great dinner and dessert! It was held at the Belo Mansion in downtown Dallas.


Danielle said...

Sweet! Congrats to you guys!!!

Stephanie said...

Awesome! Congratulations!

Little McShahan said...

That's fantastic! I'm excited for you.