Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a life-changing read

As I sat down to work tonight, I quickly checked a couple of friend's blogs before getting started. On Lisa's, she lifted up a family she knows in prayer as they just today lost their baby girl at only one week old. Curious, I began reading and here just over an hour later I sit heart broken, inspired, joyous and a bunch of other emotions I can't explain. It is so sad this poor family has been through so much, yet their faith in the Lord is so inspiring. The joyful part is that over 500 people have followed their journey and read about how strong the Lord is in their life, helping turn this family's tragedy into personal witness of God's love here on earth and in Heaven.

Hug your kids a little tighter, kiss them a little more, and be a little less anxious for that much needed time to yourself (as I have "wished for" way too often lately).

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