Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Fall, Y'all!

I LOVE FALL!! Everything about it.... fall colors everywhere, pumpkins, Halloween costumes, football games, I LOVE IT! The only bad things about this Fall season are 1) it still feels like it's 100 degrees outside and 2) It just means my 30th birthday is actually here! Oh good Lord, please help me!!!!!

Oh well... It is what it is, right? So, I guess I will just keep on celebrating the season. Here are the kids and I doing just that! Happy Fall Y'all!


Stephanie said...

Happy Fall to you too! I love the pictures. We went to the pumpkin patch and I forgot my camera. I'm terrible.

Unknown said...

Carley Katie miss you so so much.. I hope that we will see you soon. we love you. Katie and Mrs. cool Meredith

Jill said...

Happy Fall! It's my favorite too! I can't to see the kids all dressed up! They're adorable!