Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's been a while!

Wow! It has been so long since my last post... I told you I wasn't very good at this! It has been SOOO busy around here lately! With football, my work, and preschool starting, our heads are spinning. Other than that, we are doing great! Carley LOVES her preschool teachers, Ms. Cindy and Ms. Wendy. And, Campbell is doing great in Mother's Day Out. So, Tuesdays are my days!!!! A whole 5 hours to myself... it's wonderful. Here are some pictures from the first day of school...


Ronna said...

That football lunch box is the cutest thing ever! Look at Mr. Campbell running! Maybe I should look into Mothers Day Out.....Wow 5 hours would be awesome!

Jill said...

Hey Amy! I finally stumbled across your blog! You're kids are beautiful!! I've been updated from your mom through the years on visits to Whitehouse, but it's great to actually see you all!!