Thursday, December 30, 2010

I know, I know....

So, I haven't posted anything since Halloween, big deal! HA! I was doing so good, too, at keeping current, but time just got busier and faster and I honestly forgot about it most of the time. But at any rate, I'M BACK!

We had a great Christmas! We celebrated with Chris' family the 18-20th and then came back home to our house until going to Nana and Papa's (my side) Christmas Eve-Dec 27. As usual, no matter how many pictures and/or video I take, it just can't capture the fun memories we have each year at Christmas.

1. We stop to eat at the same McDonald's in Corsicana every time we go to Sealy. It's just so funny at Christmas because we are so packed in between all four of us, presents, luggage and the dogs that we look like we are moving to a new state or something. And of course we have to sit close to a window so Chris can see the van (or truck this time) to make sure no one takes anything (because our big black dog is just not scary enough!) :)

2. On Chris' side the extended family all participate in a White Elephant style gift exchange and the kids all draw names. So, when we all get together and put all our gifts under the tree, they pour way out into Great Grandma's living room. The kids "ooh and ahh" and constantly ask when it is time to open them. The adults then go on to our gift exchange where everyone usually fights over a battery charger of some kind, bungee cables for the back of a pick up truck, Academy gift cards or as was the case this year, a cooler full of beer! (why is Jeff Foxworthy in my head right now?) We brought a coffee pot and ended up picking it as our gift. ( I needed a new coffee pot really bad, and frankly, no one else seemed interested!) ha! It really is a lot of fun!

3. We pack back up the next day and head back to McKinney, except my "snack bag" is really low because we (I mean Chris) eat all the snacks on the trip down!

4. We have tried to make ice skating at the Galleria a tradition, but missed it last year for some reason. So we have really only been one other year. However, I am an Aggie so that counts as "tradition" for me. :) We went ice skating this year and had the best pizza ever afterwards right by the rink. Carley gets really good at it after she gets her bearings, and Campbell did well too hugging the rail all the way around.

5. Christmas Eve we head to Whitehouse leaving behind our beautiful decoration inside and out! When we get back after Christmas they just aren't as pretty as they are when we leave!

6. At Nana and Papa's, Carley loves to run in and see Papa's Christmas Village set up and this year Campbell ran straight for the tree because there were presents everywhere!!!!!!! There is also Nana's traditional saying, "Enjoy it because we're not doing this much next year!" She says that every year and we just laugh and say, "whatever!"

7. We celebrate Papa's birthday on Christmas Eve right after dinner. I have a great picture of he and the grandkids! They love their Papa!!!!!!!!

8. I think the kids all slept better Christmas Eve than I did. I could NOT go to sleep and heard every noise imaginable, I think. Maybe I was just so excited about Santa that I just couldn't sleep!!!

9. Christmas morning is just mass chaos. Between our kiddos and my nieces there are toys, wrapping paper and gifts galore!! SO MUCH FUN, though!

10. Chris hunts out at my dad's land in Troup, but never sees or shoots anything (other than a big hog the year Campbell was born, 2006, but I am sooooo over that story!!!!)

11. Then the Clampitts, I mean Pawlak's, pack everything back up in some magical way that fits everything in and we head home. I never figure out how Chris gets it all in... must be a little Santa magic.

We hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas filled with lovely traditions, lasting memories and tons of LOVE!!

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