Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Such a Blessing!

The last miner was just pulled out of the mine! It is such a blessing that they all have made it out and are all relatively healthy. Can you imagine being trapped 2,000 feet below ground for 70 days, in the dark, only eating 2 tsp of tuna each day and battling psychological affects of not knowing when you would be found or rescued?!?! I just can't even begin to comprehend what that must have been like. Just the 15 minute ride up in that amazingly narrow capsule would make me hyperventilate while being pulled up completely surrounded by nothing but rock! I can see myself banging on the cage right when I got to the surface breaking the whole thing. They were all so calm and collected. It is truly amazing.

Thank you, God, for their determination and safety, for the talent you placed in the engineers and rescuers that figured out how to get them out and for blessing their families with their safe return. You are amazing! Amen.

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