Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here are pics to go with the posts below... :) Campbell started soccer practice on Saturday! We are going to have a hard couple of weeks ahead because Carley and Campbell have games at the same times for the next two weeks. Then, Carley is done and Campbell keeps going through the first weekend in June. How do people with three kids in sports or any activities manage?!?!?!?!?!

I did it!!

The 10K on Saturday went great! It was really hard though. The first 1 1/2 miles seemed to be all up hill. The other hard part was having to go under the crossing streets using the underground walk ways. This meaning you had to go down steep hills then up steep hills and there was A LOT of them since we were going through neighborhoods. My finishing time 1 hour 3 minutes. Not too bad, but my goal was under one hour. So, I missed my goal a little. No worries. The main goal was to just do it and finish it!! Goal accomplished!! :) I will post pictures later. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Second time's a charm

Since the whole house was sick the week before the Azalea 10K run a few weeks ago, I couldn't run it in like I had hoped. BUT, this weekend is the Run For Cover 5k/10k event here in McKinney benefitting The Samaritan Inn, Collin County's only homeless shelter. So, I am ready for the challenge! I still have not run over 5 miles, though, so wish me luck!! It should be interesting!!

After the race I am headed back to Tyler to check on Christy and just hang out with her. She is still in so much pain!!! Please pray for her! Hopefully, she will start feeling better in a week or so.

Campbell has his first soccer practice on Saturday! Chris will have to take lots of pictures for me. He is on the Little Twisters, but I have decided to call it just the Twisters. I do not know of any 3/4 year old that likes the word "little" to have anything to do with them. It's time for "big boy" fun!! ;)

One of these days I will upload pics again. HA! Someday soon, maybe!! ;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hello everyone. I am pretty behind on my blogging, but hope to catch you all up. Two weeks ago we ALL had a nasty stomach virus that stayed in our house for a week (by the time it got to everyone)!!! It was awful! I haven't been that sick in a long time... well, at least since the Jimmy Buffet concert last year! HA! Anyway, that one little virus caused major headaches and really threw us off our game. The kids missed school and soccer practice and I had to miss my big 10K I have been working so hard on. BUT, there will be another race here in McKinney on April 17 I am trying to make plans for. Hopefully Chris and I can run it together, but we will see. As of yesterday, Carley likes to run with me. It is really fun running with her! I will run my usual then come back to house to pick her up to run a lap around the neighborhood. She did great yesterday, only stopping to walk one time (the neighborhood is .7 miles).

Carley is in full swing soccer mode!! She loves it and is really good. Campbell starts in mid April, but I really don't think soccer will be his thing. He likes to kick the ball, but doesn't like to run much!! He will run for a little bit then go get his whistle to be the coach. Hmm... wonder where he gets that from?!?!? I think he will be our baseball kid... he will start t-ball in the fall after he turns four.

Chris is good.. just REALLY busy. He had to run an 8th grade meet, his varsity/jv meet and go to Austin for Texas Relays this week!! Needless to say he is sleeping right now!! :)

As for me, I am still playing catch up from being out sick a week. Work at church was really busy last week getting ready for Easter, Relay For Life (volunteer work) has been busy as I need to get a press release out each week until April 30. When I get home tonight, I need to create three ads for local media as well!! Plus, I gained a new paying client last week. LOVE me some paying clients! HA!

So, LONG LONG LONG story short.. all is well in our house... FINALLY!! :) We are spending Easter in Whitehouse with my parents. My sister turns 36 next weekend, but we had her party last night because she is having her reconstruction surgery Thursday, April 8. Please pray the surgery goes well and that this will be the last one!! It is supposed to be a pretty painful one as they will be taking a muscle from her back to provide support, plus a skin graph and MUCH more!

Happy Easter to you all and have a great week!