Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Yes, I know it has been MANY months since I last posted, but here we go. We had a great Christmas this year. Christmas is always fun, but anytime you are forced to begin new traditions you just never know how things are going to go. This was the first Christmas without my Papaw and pretty much without my Mame, too. FOR YEARS on Christmas morning we rushed through Santa and family gifts so that we had time to get ready and head off to Mame and Papaw's for lunch and more gifts! It was nice to just enjoy Christmas at mom and dad's but boy did I miss hearing "Hey Dollbaby.. are you ready for a glass of wine" from my papaw. (He never believed in the no drinking before noon bit! HA! ) My mame's memory is absolutely gone. We went to see her Christmas day but it was like we werent even there. This is why it is so hard on mom to go visit her because she has noooooooo clue who anyone is. But, she looks good and is being well taken care of and super sweet. I just can't look at her without seeing Papaw sitting in the chair right by her. A fun thing though was my dad turned 60 on Christmas Eve! We had a great party for him out at his friends' house!

On to a happier note, Christy is done with Chemo and healing. Whohoo!! Now she is meeting with reconstruction surgeons and so forth to get her spacers put back in to begin stretching tissue to make room for the reconstruction. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fun.

We celebrated Carley's 6th birthday on Dec 30! I can't believe she is that old. She is growing up on us so fast. She got a cd player and cds for Christmas and it feels like we skipped right to the tween age! Campbell is still my "Campbell Bug" and comes into our bed around 4 a.m. every morning. He climbs right up and snuggles up then goes right back to sleep. I know we shouldnt let him do it, but he is toooooo darn cute to send back to his bed! :)

I posted a lot of pics from Christmas on facebook so I will just post a few from Carley's birthday here. I hope you all are doing well! CONGRATS again to Kristen for getting engaged and to my sister-in-law Danielle for being preggo with TRIPPLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Moly! Chris and I are so happy for you both!!

Until next time....


kristen said...

I'm so glad you updated your blog!! Yea!!

Danielle said...

So glad to hear that your sister is done with chemo. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!