Sunday, April 26, 2009

Campbell's Breakthrough!

If I haven't said before, Campbell was afraid of all things big a fuzzy - Santa, McKinney Marshall's mascot, the Centennial Titan (Chris' football mascot), Rowdy from the Rough Riders and especially Molar Man at our dentist! :) Anytime something in costume comes within eye sight, Campbell drops what he is doing and runs over to sit in one of our laps!! Once in our lap, he holds on tight and keeps a watchful eye on the mascot until he "gosway".

Even this year, Campbell was sooooo looking forward to seeing the Easter Bunny at Chris' school, but just couldn't muster up enough courage to sit in his lap. He did finally give him a high five after about 30 minutes. Then, the Easter Bunny was at my parent's church and Campbell was a bit more comfortable - not really even that scared. We got a photo and everything! Progress, I tell ya!

This year, I was marketing and publicity chair for the Relay of Life of McKinney event that took place Friday night. The kids came with me for a little bit until Nana got there to take them home. I WAS SHOCKED AND SO PROUD of Campbell because he loved seeing the Chick-Fil-A Cow all over the place. He gave him hugs and high fives every single time he saw him! Yep, I do believe we have hit a turning point! As much as we couldn't understand this fear and wished he would do better around them, now I have to admit I may miss it!! He is such a big boy!!!

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