Friday, September 5, 2008

Ouch, that hurt!

Chris' Centennial Titans lost a close one last night to the McKinney Boyd Broncos. Since the kids and I had t-ball practice and parent orientation at Carley and Campbell's school first, we didn't get to the game until right at half-time. At that time, the score was 28-7 Broncos!! Not a good sign, but Carley and I knew us three must be the Titan's good luck charm because they scored as we were walking up the parking lot. :)

In the third quarter the Titans came back with another touchdown and in the fourth, another one! Score is now tied 28-28. The defensive battle began and after two or three "3 down and outs" later and with 3 minutes now (I think) left in the game, a Bronco broke through with a great run to score a touchdown, making it 35-28 Broncos. Titans were on their way back, but with 1:06 left in the game, threw an interception and it was all done (other than three little piddly running plays by the Broncos to run the clock out)!

Such a heart-breaker! But, what a great game! Good job, Titans! Next week.... MESQUITE!!!

(How's that for broadcasting skills! I could go up against Erin Anderson ANY day of the week, right honey?!!!!)

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