Sunday, September 14, 2008

Centennial Titans Move to 2-1!

The Centennial Titans moved to 2-1 on the season as they pummeled the Pirates of Mesquite Poteet 26-14! Yea Titans!!!!!! That's the only commentary I've got this week because the kids and I stayed home. Chris did say the Titans were down 14-15 at the half, then came back big in the second half. Sounds exciting, huh!!!! :)

We didn't go the game partly because Carley had her first t-ball game of the Fall season (and the other part because Mesquite is a good ways away!)! She had a great time and of course, did fabulous! Her team is the Cubs and they have three girls this season, instead of two like last season. So, there is a little more Girl Power in the dugout.

After the game she was supposed to go over to her friend Taylor's house for her first sleep over. To make a long story short, she was back at our house not even 15 minutes after I left her at the pizza place with Taylor's family. It was quite funny, actually. When Taylor's mom and dad dropped her off, their whole car was crying... Carley was crying because she wanted to come home, Taylor was crying because Carley wasn't spending the night and Taryn (Taylor's younger sister) was crying because Taylor wanted to then spend the night at our house. Taylor then tells her parents on the way home, "This is the worst night ever!" :) DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!

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