Saturday, September 27, 2008

Titans 48, Bulldogs 44!

District opener was last night and what a game!! We lead pretty much the whole time, but not by much. Then the bulldogs tied up in the 4th quarter followed by another field goal to lead. The Titans drove down the field and reached field goal range, when the quarterback through a long pass to a receiver in the end zone! It was awesome! Carley and were jumping up and down and then she said to me, "Mom, you're scaring me!" Campbell didn't really care about anything except when he could go down and play football with Daddy, which he asked seemingly every two minutes of the second half!!!!! Good job, Titans!!!!! Good job, Chris!!!!! Titans are now 3-1 for the season, 1-0 in district play.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Centennial Titans Move to 2-1!

The Centennial Titans moved to 2-1 on the season as they pummeled the Pirates of Mesquite Poteet 26-14! Yea Titans!!!!!! That's the only commentary I've got this week because the kids and I stayed home. Chris did say the Titans were down 14-15 at the half, then came back big in the second half. Sounds exciting, huh!!!! :)

We didn't go the game partly because Carley had her first t-ball game of the Fall season (and the other part because Mesquite is a good ways away!)! She had a great time and of course, did fabulous! Her team is the Cubs and they have three girls this season, instead of two like last season. So, there is a little more Girl Power in the dugout.

After the game she was supposed to go over to her friend Taylor's house for her first sleep over. To make a long story short, she was back at our house not even 15 minutes after I left her at the pizza place with Taylor's family. It was quite funny, actually. When Taylor's mom and dad dropped her off, their whole car was crying... Carley was crying because she wanted to come home, Taylor was crying because Carley wasn't spending the night and Taryn (Taylor's younger sister) was crying because Taylor wanted to then spend the night at our house. Taylor then tells her parents on the way home, "This is the worst night ever!" :) DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back To School

Both kiddos started school today! Carley just loves school. The school is in our church, so my office is just right down the hall. Ms. Mary, Carley's teacher, popped her head in to tell me she and the other teacher decided there was nothing they can teach Carley because she knows everything already. She is so smart... it's the ONLY thing she got from me. :)
Campbell had a great day, too. He goes Tuesdays and Thursdays and cried a little, but Ms. Linda took him over to play with the dinosaurs and he was fine. Ms. Kathy told me how sweet and cute he is and that she just loves him. Umm, Yeah!! Tell me something I don't know! ;)

So handsome!

Here is Campbell's two year old picture (via Portrait Innovations in Plano), even though we took it 2 1/2 months after his second birthday! ;) Such the little stud-muffin!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ouch, that hurt!

Chris' Centennial Titans lost a close one last night to the McKinney Boyd Broncos. Since the kids and I had t-ball practice and parent orientation at Carley and Campbell's school first, we didn't get to the game until right at half-time. At that time, the score was 28-7 Broncos!! Not a good sign, but Carley and I knew us three must be the Titan's good luck charm because they scored as we were walking up the parking lot. :)

In the third quarter the Titans came back with another touchdown and in the fourth, another one! Score is now tied 28-28. The defensive battle began and after two or three "3 down and outs" later and with 3 minutes now (I think) left in the game, a Bronco broke through with a great run to score a touchdown, making it 35-28 Broncos. Titans were on their way back, but with 1:06 left in the game, threw an interception and it was all done (other than three little piddly running plays by the Broncos to run the clock out)!

Such a heart-breaker! But, what a great game! Good job, Titans! Next week.... MESQUITE!!!

(How's that for broadcasting skills! I could go up against Erin Anderson ANY day of the week, right honey?!!!!)