Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go Titans!!!

Chris' first football game of the season was Friday night. The Titans won 71-20!!! It was awesome and so nice to be on the winning side for a change. (Sorry, Honey!) Hopefully, this is is a sign of a good year to come. The kids had a blast, of course!

O.K. let me explain - Carley got a new cheerleader outfit from another coach's daughter who outgrew hers. Campbell was NOT happy about Carley getting something new and not him. The only way to calm him down was to get her old outfit out for him. Then, all was well with the world again! He kept that outfit on for hours, too!! A little unnerving, but you have to admit, pretty darn cute! :)

At the game on Friday!


kristen said...

Finally!! I'm glad your back!

Stephanie said...

YAY! You are back! I am digging Campbell in a skirt....he's so secure in his manhood. :)

Danielle said...

Well maybe Campbell will get a cheerleader scholarship somewhere..or he can alsways be a Yell Leader at A&M ;-)