Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Santa Came!!!!

Christmas morning was so much fun! My sister's family spent the night at mom and dad's also, so there were gifts and toys everywhere!! We were a bit surprised at Carley's reaction to the "trampoline with a handle" (that's what she kept calling it to us and what she told Santa)... she was happy but didn't go crazy like we thought. As she woke up a bit more, she began to get more excited. I had to wake Campbell up, but perked up pretty quick when he saw all the commotion in Nana and Papa's living room! :)

So, after four straight days of opening gifts, Carley and Campbell's loot had our minivan packed to the roof! We even had to leave Steve and Stan with Nana and Papa for a couple of days because there was no room for them. Poor doggies! They brought them home to us when they came up on Dec 29 for Carley's birthday party!!

Christmas is so much fun, I just love it! As hectic and crazy as it gets with us packing, traveling, packing again and traveling again..... it is all definitely worth it!!!!!!

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