Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Christmas down South

Hello Everyone! The Pawlak's had a FANTASTIC Christmas this year! We were away from home almost an entire week, but it was a great time for all of us!
We started the holiday season with Chris' extended family in El Campo, Texas (an hour south of Sealy).

Chris' mom, Leona, brother Daryl and fiance Danielle,
and other brother Brian's kids Alexis, Claire and Alden

The cutest family in the WORLD!
Great Grandma and Grandpa with ALL the grandkids and their spouses... no do you see why we have a White Elephant exchange on this side verses buying presents for everyone?? ;)

The next day, December 23, we had Christmas with Leona and Chris' brothers at Leona's house. His sister, Angie, and kids came over that morning as well. Carley and Campbell had a great time playing with their new toys! Thanks so much Grandma, Uncle Daryl and Aunt Danielle!!

Next stop.... Nana and Papa's house!

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