Monday, June 1, 2009


Chris and I took the kids to an Aggie baseball game Sunday. They were playing in the Regional tournament in Ft. Worth at TCU. Although they aggies got stomped, we had a really good time! The kids were soooooo good, too! Sitting in the shade helped with all that, I am sure! They both brought their gloves in hopes of catching a foul ball. Our cousin, Bradley, was there (he is a Senior at A&M) and actually did catch a foul ball. So, he gave it to Carley and Campbell. They were really excited!

Campbell's favorite part of baseball is the catcher! He loves playing the catcher and makes Carley be the pitcher and Chris the umpire. We watched girls college softball on T.V. Sunday night and he says, "I don't want to watch the girl catcher, I want the boy catcher!" It was really funny! Apparently, he is not a softball fan. ;)

Getting the foul ball from cousin Bradley
(They guy in the gray shirt on the back row.
They sat in a different section, so Chris and the kids went over to visit.)
Carley took this one!

Playing baseball just outside the field with our new ball!

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