Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Sweety-Baby-Honey!

Because of all the chaos last week, we totally didn't realize it was Father's Day! So, at 10 p.m. Saturday night, the kids and our nieces made Chris beautiful Father's Day cards and we hatched a plan for a surprise breakfast of sausage taquitos in the morning! "Dad will LOVE that" Carley said!! To start things off Sunday morning, Chris woke up first so I had to tell him to stay in bed! I woke up the kids and got started in the kitchen. The sausage I pulled out of the freezer the night before was 'game' sausage, so it was packed in like a two pound package - it was like the never ending bowl of sausage! After getting the sausage and eggs made, I went to the fridge to find we were out of Tortillas! NICE! All we had was one can of croissants biscuit things. Then, Chris got up and the kids yelled, "Surprise, Happy Father's Day!" He got so excited to see the taquitos, but then quickly deflated when I told him we had no tortillas to make the taquitos. :( After church, we went to get him a sun hat for football camp this week and then to Wall Mart to get a canning pot and mason jars. Yep, you read that right. He wants to try and make pickles out of the cucumbers he grows in the backyard. It took forever and phone call to his aunt, but we finally found all the supplies. Then his Aunt Betty reminds him it takes about 6 months for the pickles to be ready to eat and all the wind escapes from his sail... and a few choice words took its place! ;) The best part of the day would probably be the 4 hour nap the entire house took Sunday afternoon!! Happy Father's Day baby-sweety-honey!!

Even though your day wasn't quite what you deserve, you are the BEST father and husband a family could ever ask for!!!!!!!! I love you!

Top 10 Reasons You are The Best Dad Ever

10. You throw the BEST birthday parties!

9. You expose us to TONS of things mom would never DREAM of showing us! EW!

#8. You risk your life for us!

#7 We get to beat you up in hotel rooms!!

#6 You show us the world from a higher perspective!

#5 You're a fabulous (a sexy!) chauffer!

#4 Who else would we have fun catching a turtle while mowing a yard with??

#3 You always need a good fishin' buddy!

#2 You teach Campbell how to be suave with the ladies!
and the #1 reason you are the best dad in the world....

Without You There Wouldn't Be Us !

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