Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pre-K Graduation

We had a fantastic time at preschool graduation tonight! Carley has been looking forward to this night since last week! She and I went on Sunday afternoon to buy new graduation earrings and ended up at Children's Place finding a new graduation dress (from the %50 of rack! SCORE!). It was so much fun having some "girl time" to ourselves. Chris and Campbell were home mowing the yard and having a little "boy time" together!

During the ceremony tonight, they called each child up to get their diploma and to tell the audience what they want to be when they grow up. There were some hilarious responses! Carley was sooo cute when she answered, "A Mom!" Oh, it melted my heart and the whole audience sighed with an "Awe!"

Just what I needed to hear after an afternoon of spanking threats, grounding threats, privileges being removed then given back and ultimate life threatening!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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