Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayers for Christy

Hello all! We received some pretty devastating news this week that my sister, Christy, may have breast cancer in her right breast. She felt a lump on Saturday (PLEASE remember to do self exams!) and went in to have mammogram and ultrasound yesterday. Both showed a mass in her right breast that appears to be cancerous, but thankfully, nowhere else. She had an MRI today to make sure that was the only spot. She will go in next Wednesday for a biopsy to confirm it is cancer, OR NOT! We are certainly praying for the OR NOT!!!!! Her current boss went through this about two years ago and her biopsy came back benign, so we have hope.

The radiologist feels pretty confident it is cancer, though, and has already recommended a mastectomy! I think that is a little aggressive, but my sister doesn't really want to try a lumpectomy. She said if it is cancer she wants it gone!!!!!! Dont blame her for that!!!!! She is so scared, as are we all. She is keeping her spirits up, though! The best part so far, she says, is that she has already felt God's arms around her twice since this began - once in bed after she found the lump and the other while sitting in the patient room. Amen!! God is always showing us he is with us! :)

I will keep you all posted. We won't really know anything until after the biopsy next Wednesday - which will probably take a few days to come back. UGHHH.. the waiting is awful!!!!!!!! In the meantime we are all praying for healing, strength and trust in God!

On another note, my cousin Casey (33) was just diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer last week and will begin treatment next week. It is only in her cervix, so they will try to zap it with a weak round of chemo and radiation first. If that doesn't work, she will have a hysterectomy. Prayers are needed for her as well.

Whew.. Its been a long week!!!


Lisa said...

Amy, I am so sorry to hear about Christy and Casey. I can't even imagine the emotions that go along with that. Please know that I'm praying for them, and for you and your parents, and I'll be waiting to read the news about her biopsy.

Danielle said...

Wow..I'm sorry to hear that. We will be praying for you and your whole family.
We love you!!

Danielle and Daryl

Ronna said...

I saw her comment on facebook. I am praying for her and your whole family.

kristen said...

Oh my goodness! God doesn't give us any challenge we can't handle and he listens to prayer! I will be praying and thinking about you, Christy and your family! Love you!