Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pickin' Sweet Corn

For years, Chris has looked forward to the kids being old enough to go to his Uncle Leonard's farm to pick sweet corn. He had so much fun doing this as kid himself! So, this past weekend while in Sealy to visit Leona (Grandma), we took the kids into Ganado, Tx (about an hour from Sealy) to Uncle Leonard and Aunt Betty's farm to teach Carley and Campbell (and myself) how to pick corn. They had what looked like miles of crops surrounding their home. Only a few rows were actual sweet corn that we were able to pick, the rest was regular corn and maize that we couldn't go into because we didn't want to damage anything. Uncle Leonard already lost quite a bit of his crop from the high winds this spring.

Campbell loved going in the barn and seeing all the massive farm equipment - tractors with tires bigger than Chris and seed equipment that the kids had to use a ladder to climb up on!! Carley's favorite part was "Champ" the dog! She loved him! Campbell did too and actually wanted us to take him home with us. I think we have enough doggies Campbell, but maybe next time! It was a great experience and so quiet and peaceful out there! We left Leona's Sunday afternoon after church and the kids slept about 3 hours of the 5 hours it usually takes us to get home!!! We had a great weekend! Then, enjoyed a wonderful Memorial Day resting and relaxing! :)

Naturally, I uploaded the pictures in the reverse order!! UGGGHH.. why does blogspot upload them this way?!!! So frustrating!

On the way back to McKinney!
Carley bringing in the corn for lunch! YUMMY!
Uncle Leonard and Aunt Betty shucking corn

Carley and Campbell got the hang of it quick! And really enjoyed it, too!
Goofball! (he has had a haircut since then, by the way!!) ;)
Actually in the fields picking the corn.

Carley was so fast - we were amazed.
Man that's a big tire!
Farmer Campbell
Never-ending crop fields!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pre-K Graduation

We had a fantastic time at preschool graduation tonight! Carley has been looking forward to this night since last week! She and I went on Sunday afternoon to buy new graduation earrings and ended up at Children's Place finding a new graduation dress (from the %50 of rack! SCORE!). It was so much fun having some "girl time" to ourselves. Chris and Campbell were home mowing the yard and having a little "boy time" together!

During the ceremony tonight, they called each child up to get their diploma and to tell the audience what they want to be when they grow up. There were some hilarious responses! Carley was sooo cute when she answered, "A Mom!" Oh, it melted my heart and the whole audience sighed with an "Awe!"

Just what I needed to hear after an afternoon of spanking threats, grounding threats, privileges being removed then given back and ultimate life threatening!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stage 2 Breast Cancer

Christy heard back today that she does have stage two breast cancer. She will meet with the surgeon May 26. Which, AGAIN, we must wait to see what course of treatment she will do. Thank you all for your prayers and emails. Keep praying and I will keep you up to date.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No word yet

Hi All! Thanks for your emails checking on Christy. No word, yet, on her biopsy. I am hoping to hear something tomorrow!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fabulous Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! My gift ended up being an hour long massage with a small bottle of champagne, lots of beautiful pictures made by my wonderful kids, and truly a day off!!

I am so proud of Chris. He orchestrated a plan with my great friend Melissa's husband to get us both massage baskets/gift certificates so we could go enjoy it together. We also get a glass of wine before the hour of bliss begins! ;) Then it will be off to dinner before heading back into "the trenches" (as Chris calls it)!!!! And if her husband is out of town, Chris even offered to babysit all four kids for us! MAN! I am more impressed with the forethought, than I am the gift, I think. :) What a great hubby! :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day as well!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day "Hints"

Chris and Carley have been talking all week about my "Mother's Day Surprise" and how I am going to love it. Carley always says afterwards, "but we can't tell you because it is a surprise!" This afternoon I talked her into giving me hints as to what it could be. Here are my three hints:

1) "There are two things"
2) "The first comes in a bottle and you and Nana like to drink it."
3) "The second thing lasts for a whole hour!"

Hmmmmmm... what could it be????????? I guess we will have to wait and see! ;)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayers for Christy

Hello all! We received some pretty devastating news this week that my sister, Christy, may have breast cancer in her right breast. She felt a lump on Saturday (PLEASE remember to do self exams!) and went in to have mammogram and ultrasound yesterday. Both showed a mass in her right breast that appears to be cancerous, but thankfully, nowhere else. She had an MRI today to make sure that was the only spot. She will go in next Wednesday for a biopsy to confirm it is cancer, OR NOT! We are certainly praying for the OR NOT!!!!! Her current boss went through this about two years ago and her biopsy came back benign, so we have hope.

The radiologist feels pretty confident it is cancer, though, and has already recommended a mastectomy! I think that is a little aggressive, but my sister doesn't really want to try a lumpectomy. She said if it is cancer she wants it gone!!!!!! Dont blame her for that!!!!! She is so scared, as are we all. She is keeping her spirits up, though! The best part so far, she says, is that she has already felt God's arms around her twice since this began - once in bed after she found the lump and the other while sitting in the patient room. Amen!! God is always showing us he is with us! :)

I will keep you all posted. We won't really know anything until after the biopsy next Wednesday - which will probably take a few days to come back. UGHHH.. the waiting is awful!!!!!!!! In the meantime we are all praying for healing, strength and trust in God!

On another note, my cousin Casey (33) was just diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer last week and will begin treatment next week. It is only in her cervix, so they will try to zap it with a weak round of chemo and radiation first. If that doesn't work, she will have a hysterectomy. Prayers are needed for her as well.

Whew.. Its been a long week!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Kristen and Lee!

I want to wish Kristen and Lee happy birthdays!! I hope you both have a great birthday week!! (The fun should never last for only one day! You all know my philosophy!) :)