Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So much to say..

Hi all! Or, should I just say Hi to Danielle, Stephanie, Kristen and Ronna, as I think they are the only ones who ever read this blog. HA!

We have had a busy couple of weeks lately, but all is well! Carley got her ears pierced a couple weeks ago and looks like such a big girl. My battery is down on the camera, so I will download pics soon. Nana (my mom) and I took her after her soccer game and before we did some spring shopping at the Allen Outlet Mall. I was afraid she may chicken out since the girl doing the piercing had rings all over her body, but Carley sat there like a champ (I guess I was the only one kind of scared of her!) :) Afterwards we went shopping and it just felt like she was so old to me because she had her soccer uniform on with flip-flops - a lot like how you see the older girls sometimes. Crazy, I know, but that combined with pretty ears just made her seem so grown up!

Campbell is his usual, crazy and entertaining self. He has started coming into our bed to sleep by me at nights. Last night I was still watching t.v. when I hear the pitter-patter of bare feet and the swish of his diaper running down the hall. His head was down and he ran right into our room, around to my side of the bed, and climbed up and went right back to sleep. After about 15 minutes, I took him back to his bed. Then this morning, I woke up a little before 6 a.m. and there he was right beside me!! I guess I was cuddling with Chris or something and was more on his side of the bed, which is why I didn't feel Campbell until this morning. A little while later I was up and hear Campbell yelling from my room, "Stanley, get out of the bed! No, Stanley!" It was quite funny!


Lisa said...

Just wanted to say hello and let you know that there are other faithful readers out here. :) Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Amy Pawlak said...

Thanks, Lisa!!! That makes me happy! I read yours all the time, too. :)