Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Weekend!

We had a great Easter weekend and mom and dad's house this year!! We went to an egg hunt at mom's church then to my sister's Cowboy church on Easter Sunday. Naturally, since Blogspot puts photos in reverse order of how up upload them, the sequence is all off. :)

Carley fishing at the lake Easter afternoon
Such concentration!

Boat ride on Ester afternoon

Bath time with "BB"

At the egg hunt at mom and dad's church

Campbell standing in front of the Baptism trough at the Cowboy church. REALLY!!

So handsome in our cowboy hat... and v-neck sweater HAHA!

Pony rides at the egg hunt

Petting zoo at the egg hunt


I love this one! Campbell and "BB" watching the Carley and Blanch play Wii!

Egg hunt at Chris' school

Carley's class at preschool

Campbell's class

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Looks like everyone had fun. We spent Easter on a plane...