Monday, November 1, 2010

Lots of fun stuff!

Lots has happened in the Pawlak household since our last post. Where do I start? We are wrapping up all the sports seasons this week. T-ball ended a couple of weeks ago and Campbell LOVES his trophy! Carley's softball season ended last week and her end-of-season party is tonight at On The Border! YUM!! Sorry, Nana!! (She had to take Campbell to his party while we were in Connecticut and it was at Chuck E. Cheese! hehehe! ) Carley's last soccer game is this Saturday! It has been a fun few months, but we have to say we (Chris and I) are ready for a break! Give us a week of nothing, though, and I am sure we will be ready to sign them up for something else. :)

My birthday was October 25. The big 33!!!!!! Ugh! But it was a great birthday weekend with a trip up to Connecticut to see our friends, Dan and Carrie, who were transferred up there back in the spring. As you can the imagine the fall foliage was outstanding!!!!!!!! So pretty! That is exactly why we wanted to go in the fall! Next time, we will go either in the winter or summer and bring the kids with us. If we go in the winter, they can sled down the hill in their backyard to the whole time and play in some "real" snow all weekend. OR, we could go in the summer time and take a day trip into NY City (only an hour and a half away) or drive 4 hours to see more of New England. Either way, they would love up there as much as Chris and I did. I wish I could post all our pictures, but that would take to long. They are all on facebook already so you can see there. Here are a couple of my favorite!

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