Monday, March 15, 2010

Houston Rodeo

We took the kids to the Houston Rodeo this past Saturday while we were visiting Chris' mom. IT WAS A BLAST! The kids had a great time. Campbell was a little nervous with all the people. I think he would have enjoyed the animals more if there weren't so many people around us. He still had a good time. Carley, on the other hand, loved it! She loves animals!! The rodeo finally started and I forgot how fun they were! Some of those events are just amazing. Only one cowboy rode the bull for 8 seconds, and even one of them had to get stitches in head because the bull bucked him back while he was still in the chute! CRAZY PEOPLE!!!! The absolute bet part of the day was the Blake Shelton concert. Chris and I knew a lot of his songs, but the kids (and me!) LOVE his new song, "Hillbilly Bone"! It is is so fun!! Especially in concert. I finally saw some of me come out in Carley by the way she enjoyed the concert so much. She and I may become concert buddies!! ;) (these pics are all in random order! Why can't they download in the order you select them in???? UGH! )

My sweet cowgirl! This is Campbell's hat, but he wore it a
total of 3 minutes, so Carley put it on!
Cutie Pie

I'm tellin' ya.. she was a rodeo natural!

Blake Shelton concert

Cheering on the Barrel Racers! This was her and my favorite event

Why do people do this????? Look at those horns?
Did they not ever see the movie "8 Seconds"??

Gotta love the rodeo clowns.

Campbell LOVES police officers, so Chris took him into the security station for him to meet the police officers in there. They gave him a really cool sticker badge. He loved it!

Yummy hot dogs!!

I love this picture!

This llama was so cool. He was huge and just laid there
and let all the kids pull and tug all over him.

This was the funniest pig story (actually I think it may be my only pig story!) Anyway, this pig walked off from his trainer just a few feet in front of us and making his way through the people. He kept going about 100 feet and went right to his pen, laid down and went to sleep. It was really funny. He knew exactly where he was going! (o.k. so I guess you had to be there!)

Look at the cute baby cow eating hay.. he was sooooo cute!

This is at the restaurant afterwards. Carley slept through dinner, but Campbell finally woke up to eat a Quesadilla and watch the waiters sing Happy Birthday to Chris
Chris had to wear this sombrero while they sang to him! It was quite amuzing. Campbell said he would have looked better in a fireman hat, though. ;)

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