Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Ronna!!! I hope you have a great one! :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So confused!

The kids are at Nana and Papa's for the weekend, so Chris and I have had a very relaxing day. Slept 'till 10 a.m., ate a good lunch, watched movies on TNT..basically, we have done absolutely nothing! :) The only downer was going to Lowes to return all the curtains and rods I bought yesterday because they were all wrong! I was so disappointed! I am having such a hard time finding curtains I like or that fit the windows in the living room.

We then went back to look at the rugs because we need a new one in the living room and foyer. However Lowes or Home Depot kills us every time we go in there! The problem is that our house is now almost 9 years old and we want to replace so many things that is soooo overwhelming on what do first, how to do it, what we need to do to the existing things to make them ready for upgrades, etc. Finding new rugs sounds simple enough, but I cant find the right size, style and thickness we like and can afford. We also need to FINISH the friggin' floors by getting threshold pieces to transition from the tile to the concrete. Again, sounds easy enough - BUT it has taken us two years to do this because noone can tell us the best way to do it. I have resolved to just calling a flooring company and asking them to come out to do it. I can't take it anymore!!

Next we found ourselves in lighting because Chris wanted to see about light sensors that turn lights on/off as you enter/leave a room. (Apparently, I do not do a good job of doing that myself!!) BAD IDEA! We ended up looking at all these cool light fixtures for the kitchen only to realize we are pretty much stuck with our fluorescent light because replacing would reduce so much light that we would have to add light somewhere else. We basically need to put up a frame/box thingy to go around the light. Which looks nice, but ughh- still a fluorescent light! The color of the box is the color of our kitchen cabinets (which I hate) so the sales guy suggested adding dark brown hardware and matching faucet to help tone down the yellow cabinets. (I actually have wanted to do that for while now!) So you guessed it- we went to the hardware isle. Should we do handles or knobs or both? By the time you fund 26 of whatever style we choose, it's a pretty penny! By this time, I could not take it anymore and we left with nothing! All that time and nothing! Grrrr.....

My main problem I need to get over is that I want nice stuff, but do NOT want to pay for it! I know juice will be spilled on it, the dog will pee or throw up on it, the vacuum will frey it, it won't be the right size, it won't match, or we won't like it a few weeks after getting it. I really want someone to just come over and do it all for me!! Any takers?????

Ughh...Time for another glass of wine and a good night sleep before picking up the munchkins tomorrow. They are having such a great time they may not want to come back home with us!

Thanks for letting me vent!! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Phenomenal Speaker

This year I am serving as the marketing and publicity chair for Relay For Life of McKinney again. I love doing it, but today I really did NOT want to go to the city's chamber luncheon to take pictures of RFL committee members making a presentation. This is textbook pr as I will then write up a piece to send to the local media along with the pictures. I was SO not looking forward to it. But, just when you dread things the most, the best moments seem to happen.

Today the guest speaker at the luncheon was a 27 year old man from Australia who was born without arms or legs. He is now a motivational speaker and has had millions of hits on youtube and has been on Oprah. You may have seen him already, but his name is Nick Vujicic and his story is one of, if not THE, most empowering ever!

If you have 4 -5 minutes, click here and pick a video. He has several to choose from. You will be inspired, humbled, amazed, encouraged, empowered and lots more! If the link doesn't work, go to youtube and search Nick Vujicic.

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Yes, I know it has been MANY months since I last posted, but here we go. We had a great Christmas this year. Christmas is always fun, but anytime you are forced to begin new traditions you just never know how things are going to go. This was the first Christmas without my Papaw and pretty much without my Mame, too. FOR YEARS on Christmas morning we rushed through Santa and family gifts so that we had time to get ready and head off to Mame and Papaw's for lunch and more gifts! It was nice to just enjoy Christmas at mom and dad's but boy did I miss hearing "Hey Dollbaby.. are you ready for a glass of wine" from my papaw. (He never believed in the no drinking before noon bit! HA! ) My mame's memory is absolutely gone. We went to see her Christmas day but it was like we werent even there. This is why it is so hard on mom to go visit her because she has noooooooo clue who anyone is. But, she looks good and is being well taken care of and super sweet. I just can't look at her without seeing Papaw sitting in the chair right by her. A fun thing though was my dad turned 60 on Christmas Eve! We had a great party for him out at his friends' house!

On to a happier note, Christy is done with Chemo and healing. Whohoo!! Now she is meeting with reconstruction surgeons and so forth to get her spacers put back in to begin stretching tissue to make room for the reconstruction. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fun.

We celebrated Carley's 6th birthday on Dec 30! I can't believe she is that old. She is growing up on us so fast. She got a cd player and cds for Christmas and it feels like we skipped right to the tween age! Campbell is still my "Campbell Bug" and comes into our bed around 4 a.m. every morning. He climbs right up and snuggles up then goes right back to sleep. I know we shouldnt let him do it, but he is toooooo darn cute to send back to his bed! :)

I posted a lot of pics from Christmas on facebook so I will just post a few from Carley's birthday here. I hope you all are doing well! CONGRATS again to Kristen for getting engaged and to my sister-in-law Danielle for being preggo with TRIPPLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Moly! Chris and I are so happy for you both!!

Until next time....