Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Season is Here!

Football season officially started last night and the Titans got off to a great start beating the Denton High Broncos 52-22!! Hopefully, this is a good sign of the rest of the season!!! The kids, as always, had a blast. They even got to ride back to the school on the bus with Daddy and just loved it. Good luck the rest of the season and we will be there every week to cheer you on!

Chris gives Campbell is play sheet after the games and Campbell really thinks he is a coach. It is so cute. Someone will ask him what play he is calling and Campbell will pull out the play sheet (from his shorts where he keeps it since Chris keeps it in the back of his pants during the game) and says a different color each time. Like "I call the Blue!" Chris gets such a kick out of it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Like father, like son....makes Dad so happy! So cute.

I've been meaning to tell you.... on your list of friends' blogs, you have a David Lessner. His Dad was my old Director at Verizon. Small world, huh?