Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here's To "8"!!

Today, Chris and I have been married for 8 wonderful years!!! This time eight years ago I couldn't get out of the bathroom due to a case of the "nervous poos"! HAHAHA! (I had to post that because on top of being nervous for the wedding, I was nervous I wouldn't be able to get of the bathroom long enough to even get married!! A crazy memory, I know, but a funny one at that. ) Then all my girls and I had a wonderful time sipping mimosas and getting our hair done (that none of them really liked, I think) and then a long afternoon before it was FINALLY time to go to church to get ready.

After getting to the church, all I wanted to do was get my dress on!! I made myself wait as long as possible and that was so hard. Then it was time for the ever-memorable photographer that drove us all crazy to start taking pictures. "Oh wait, do that again so I can get a picture!" eeekkk!Then down time AGAIN until the wedding started. We all killed the time by chatting and basically twiddling our thumbs, except for Ronna that is... she was the only smart one and kept sneaking off to the groomsmen room to take shots of Gold Schlogger! ;)

Then they called all the bridesmaids in and I was back there in that big room all alone. I heard my dad go into the church kitchen and I stayed quiet because I didn't want to see him and start crying! :) Then he came to get me and we walked to the sanctuary. My only regret is being so anxious to get down to Chris that I didn't wait for the doors to shut so they could then be reopened when it was time to walk. Oh well. Then I married the love of my life with absolute certainty God created us to be together!

After the ceremony and what seemed to be HOURS of picture taking with the annoying photographer, we finally headed to the most fun reception I have ever been to! It was then and only then did I realize my bridesmaids all HATED the shoes I got them for the wedding - they were all in their own flip flops! HA! (I am so sorry girls!) We loved it and wish we could throw that kind of party again!!! One of our favorite moments was leaving in the Jamaican wigs in the limo. I know it was really goofy, but we are goofy people - you all should know that by now for sure!! :)

Happy Anniversary, Honey!!! I love you the same today as I did on July 14, 2001!!!


Ronna said...

I can't believe you posted about me taking shots...LOL!!!!!

I wore the tackiest platform flip flops to the reception...what was I thinking?

Your reception was super fun especially when your Dad was leading the dancing line and chugging beer from a pitcher...LOL!!!!

Lisa said...

Happy anniversary! I think you need to post some pics of the wigs.

Stephanie said...

I'm late on saying Happy Anniversary, but I hope it was a great one! I remember how stunning you looked that day!