Monday, March 16, 2009

Fort Worth Getaway

Chris and I took the kids on a quick getaway to Fort Worth, and had a GREAT time! On Sunday, we went to the Stockyards. After the stockyards, we surprised the kids with a hotel stay so they could go swimming. Our hotel had an indoor, heated pool - it was indoor, but NOT heated! The water was freezing!! The hot tub was nice, though. :) On Monday, we went to the zoo and it was a blast! We saw so many really cool animals. Most of them were awake and moving around making it easy to see.. only the big cats were lazy and sleeping a lot. Here are a few of the 88 pics I took over the two days. HA! They are no order because it took so long to upload that now I really don't feel like switching them all around. :)

The giraffes!!
The kids loved the kangaroos. Here is a fun statue in the "Outback" they liked.
We bought seed sticks to feed the parakeets!
This dude was one of my favorites.. incredible!
Here he is walking in front of Carley.... when we circled back around to see if more of the big cats were awake, there were muddy paw prints that ran down this part of the glass. Can you imagine being in front of the glass when this tiger jumped up on it!!!!!!!

Sunday night after the Stockyards we ate dinner in Billy Bobs. I thought there was a restaurant in there, but it was only a small one. The burgers were really good, though, and that is all we really wanted. Here are Carley and Campbell dancing on their chairs to the music. (At least it wasn't the table and all their clothes were on. :) )

Back to the zoo... have you ever seen a rainbow butt? This just amazes me.

The gorillas were awesome!

Carley teaching Campbell how to stand like a flamingo.
The kids LOVE pillow fights with daddy when we stay in hotels! It is their favorite part.. and the pool, of course!

Back to the Stockyards... this is the daily cattle drive.

I like this one!
Carley dressed up like a "captive white girl"
Campbell would not get on ANYTHING to ride.. except this quarter horse... it really was a quarter.. $25
Posing with Cowboy Gotch!

1 comment:

kristen said...

Looks like so much fun! Glad you guys had a good time!