Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Flu Stinks

What a week! Both kids have had the flu since Sunday night (Campbell started Saturday night) and now Chris came home today with 99.9 temp! He thought he had food poisoning over the weekend, but odds are it was the flu also! Not fun! But, the good news is that Carley will go back to school tomorrow. Campbell can also, but he has been so tired today that he may need one more day at home. We'll see in the morning.

The flu and strep are definitely going around. The doctor's office Monday was PACKED! I have never seen so many people in a waiting room. It took us over an hour and a half to get out of there!!!

So, I hope you all are feeling well and healthy! Happy Valentine's Day in advance!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Sorry to hear that y'all have the flu!!
HOpe everyone gets better soon!!