Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sweet - and a little Crazy - Campbell

Campbell is really starting to show his little personality. He cracks us up all the time - even Carley can't help but laugh at some of his sayings and faces!!! This age is soooo fun!

Our Five Year Old

It has been so long since I have posted. I haven't even gotten to post pics from Carley's birthday. She turned 5 on December 30 and Chris and I are flabbergasted at how fast the time has gone. She is growing up so fast and can't wait to start Kindergarten... which brings on its own set of tears from me!!! Today was preschool registration and it was so strange only registering one child!!!!!

So, we had Carley's friends from school out to Chris' indoor football facility for her party. It was Madagascar themed this year, so the kids danced to I like to Move It, Move It and decorated animal masks. Other than that, they just ran around and played games like duck, duck, goose. Pretty easy and she had lots of fun! Nana and Papa surprised her on Dec 29 and came up for dinner and the night then went back home on Dec 30. She loved it!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas in Whitehouse

Christmas in Whitehouse was crazy and chaotic as ever, but definitely the best yet!

Ice Skating at the Galleria

A new Christmas tradition we have is to take Carley to the Galleria to ice skate! Last year was her first year and she did well, but only lasted about 20 minutes. This year, she skated about 40 minutes and even went around twice by herself! She had a great time. Next year Campbell will get to join in on the icy fun!!

Remembering how to skate!

Getting more comfortable...
I am doing it!!Ouch.. that fall hurt!

Christmas in Sealy