Monday, December 1, 2008

Hunting, Turkey, Shopping, Fishing and Pink Eye!!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year - a long week, but a great time with family and friends. We left home Monday night and headed to Whitehouse so Chris could hunt on my family's land in Concord and Gilmer. Then, on Wednesday morning we headed to Sealy to Grandma's house!! We went with Grandma to the extended family Thanksgiving in El Campo on Thursday. This is usually our Thanksgiving every year, however this year my mom and dad met us in Sealy Thanksgiving night so they could go down to Rockport, TX ( on the coast by Corpus Cristi) so my dad, Chris and his uncle could spend the weekend flounder fishing.

So, my mom, dad and I decided to shop Sealy's Wal-Mart Friday morning for a few Christmas presents and because I needed a new camera. WHAT WERE WE THINKING!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I will never wake up at 4 a.m. to go shopping again! It was a mad house and we couldn't get to any of the good stuff (electronics and toys) for all the people! After grabbing a few things and finally giving up, we left and messed around at a Sears appliance store and Palais Royal (like a Bealls). I actually had a great time in Palais Royal spending my birthday money!! It was finally light outside when we were done there, so I took my parents back to their hotel room, ran by Walgreens to pick up Chris' prescriptions, then decided to run back by Wal-Mart to see if the crowd had subsided any. After all, it was 8:15 a.m. already!!!!!! I JUST WANTED TO LOOK AT A CAMERA FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Low and behold, I parked, walked right up to the camera counter, bought my camera, and left -- all in about 3 minutes! I couldn't believe it!! All that trouble and I should have done in the first place was let the crazies have their time to raid everything, then go in and calmly do some Christmas shopping!!

After that fiasco, it was time to head down to Rockport. We had a great time at Aunt Diane and Uncle Frankie's house. They are such good hosts.. cooked great food and really took care of us. We went to the beach, road on a ferry and played with lots of cousins. My dad had a blast flounder fishing, too!! Only bad thing was that I woke up Sunday morning with Pink Eye!! It hurt so bad... and still does. Nobody else had it, so I guess I picked it up at Wal-Mart in Sealy - don't remember that in their ad!! So the nine hour drive home was quite long, but the kids did great and we had a lot of fun playing "I SPY" and "Paper/Rock/Scissors."

Here are some pics... I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well!!

(field of geese and ducks... they are everywhere down in the Sealy/Ganado area!)

(feeding SeaGulls)
(family pic time!! I have never been to beach at Thanksgiving before!)

(Awe.. how cute!)

(I love this pic of Papa and Campbell)

(Sexy Man!!)

(beach babe!)

(Ferry Ride)

(Having fun together!)

(Flounder fishing)


Stephanie said...

Ok, that family picture should so be your Christmas card this year. That is too cute!!! And how'd you get everyone to smile?!?! Were these taken with your new camera? :) Very nice!

Danielle said...

Wish I could have been there with y'all. Looked like everyone had fun!!!