Sunday, March 7, 2010

Soccer Season!

Here is Campbell at the game yesterday pretending he is a bat and using the scarf as his bat wings! He is such a pretender!!! Way more than Carley ever was at that age. She was too practical and logical we think. But Campbell cracks us up with his little imagination!!!

Carley's first game was yesterday! She had a great time and really loves her team. Go Magic!!


Lisa said...

Hey! We're in full soccer mode over here with Ethan as well and loving it! Have we talked before about how I know the McClures? I saw Mark and Hannah in your picture and had one of those small world moments.

Amy Pawlak said...

Hi Lisa! Tara said she knew you and Collin and a couple others from Whitehouse. SUCH A SMALL WORLD. The name "Amy Pawlak" sounded familiar to her so she googled it and some how traced it back to Amy Campbell from Whitehouse. :)