Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Our baby is 4 years old!

Carley is a big 4 year old now!!!!!! I just can't believe it. Her personality is changing again and it is so funny to watch her and listen to her now. She sounds so grown up when she talks and is starting to pretend play with things like puppets and barbies and such. Our threes were filled with drama-drama-drama... we can't wait to see what the fours bring!! We love you Carley-bear!!!!!

Here are her birthday pictures we took at Kiddie Kandids last week. I illegally copied them off the email they sent me for re-ordering, but considering only a few people actually read our blog (Hi Stephanie and Ronna!) I don't think they will come after me with an arrest warrant. The pics are a bit blurry, though, to keep criminals like myself from printing them, but you can still see how cute they are. ;) (She had a FANTASTIC birthday party! I will post those pictures soon! )


Stephanie said...

Carley, you are such a pretty 4 year old! I'm glad you posted these, because I couldn't really see them in your email. We hate that we missed the party. I know it was a blast!

Danielle said...

Those pictures are so cute!!!! If you get copies Daryl and I would like one.

(You now have 4 people who read your blog ;-) )