Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fall with Friends

I just love this picture of the kids on a Saturday morning.... also, there is nothing like afternoon naps with Daddy!!! ;)

Last week, the kids and I had so much fun raking leaves then playing in them, spreading them out, then raking them back up again! Did I mention I love fall??? ;)

Although it felt like the beginning of summer a couple week's ago, there was evidence of Fall around us. My friend Melissa and I stopped to take these pictures of our kids in front of these really pretty trees close to where we live. However, there is a line of green trees in front of all the red, orange and yellow trees, so we couldn't really get a great shot while still keeping the kids in the picture. But, they are still pretty good pictures afterall....

Taryn, Taylor, Carley and Campbell

Carley and Campbell

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