Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hair Cuts All Around

O.K. -- I am really new at this blogging thing, so hang with me. I enjoy reading my friends pages so much (Jill, Ronna, Steph, Lisa...) that I finally got on the ball and created Carley and Campbell's Corner.
We'll start with Carley and Campbell both getting "first haircuts" recently. The only thing we have done to Carley's hair in the past is snip a lone piece in the back that grows faster than the rest. Her beautiful curls were starting to look a little shabby, so we took her to Master Cuts to get some layers. She had a blast! Chris cut Campbell's hair at home. He did really well, but had a look of, "Momma, are you sure he knows what he is doing" the whole time. ;)

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