Saturday, February 27, 2010

1st Week

Well, I have completed my first week of training for the 10K and so far so good! Today was 3.5 miles and it went really well. I could have kept going a little further, but our friends had the kids at the park playing and needed to leave at a certain time to be somewhere. This is A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT story than the beginning of the week! :) I need to be at 4.5 miles by end of next week. EEK! Talk to you soon!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Carley's Big Day

Carley had a fun day today! First, she had her first soccer practice on her new team, The Magic! Her team from last year dissolved when we went to T-ball, so she had to get on a new team. But, she LOVES the girls on this team and is so excited! Then, tonight we went to the annual Frisco ISD Art Show. One of Carley's projects she made in art class was chosen to be displayed on the Elliott Elementary wall. We didn't realize it was such a big deal, but apparently each school only chooses about 40 pieces to be displayed. So, below is Carley next to her art work. In true Chris and Amy fashion, we both held back from saying, "That's It?" HA! Our art appreciation is definitely not as refined as it should be. But, none the less this was a big honor and we are very proud of Carley!
Carley with her certificate
Carley and her Art teacher.

Carley standing by her project.
This is a remake of Alma Thomas' work. (whoever that lady is! ) HA!
Go Magic!

Coach Mark with Carley, Ema, Ema, Emily, Emerson and Hanah! Can you believe those names??? I accidentally cut one of the "Em"s out of the picture. OOPS!
Finally.. soccer season is here!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


You all will probably get bored of these posts, but I am going to use you as my accountability group to help me train for the 10K race and hopefully a half-marathon eventually. April/May maybe??

So, I started running yesterday and actually ran for 30 minutes with only a few 10 step walks! My knee hurts tremendously, but after I found my rhythm it wasn't so bad. It mainly hurt when I changed surfaces (stepping off a curb, grass, sidewalk, etc). We are going this afternoon to get better running shoes. It feels really good to have a fitness goal again!! Tomorrow I rest and then hit it again Tuesday. My luck it will snow on Tuesday like they are forecasting! Grrr....

Friday, February 19, 2010

10K Here I Come!

I have a goal to run a half marathon at some point in my life!!! So, to get me motivated I roped Kristen into running the Tyler Azalea 10K race with me March 27. If anyone else wants to join us, here is the web site to register. However, sitting here on the computer staring at a bag of chocolate and caramel heart candy is probably not the best way to train! I have GOT to get started!!!!!! Maybe tomorrow?!?!

New Job!

Chris got a new job this week as the head Cross Country and Track coach at the new Frisco high school, Lone Star. He is so excited! He knew he wanted out of football towards the end of last season and everything has been kind of up in the air since then.

I wonder how bad the withdrawals will be come August? ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beautiful, Wet, Snowball & Snowman-Makin' Snow!!

What a fun day today! School, work, then home to play in the snow! Here are some pics. (of course they are in backwards order, but there are too many to switch around. :) )

Family of Snowmen!!
I love Chris' face in this one. It's hard to see, but we really wants to yell "Damn It!" because half the snowman toppled over. It was really funny!
This was Campbell's favorite spot while everyone else made snowmen! HA!

Playing with "the boys"
Snowball fight with Steve

Snow Angels!!
This morning before Carley left for school. There is nothing better than waking up in the morning to snow! Well, I guess waking up around 9 a.m. to snow rather than 6:30 a.m. to snow would be better!