Saturday, September 12, 2009

Titans Win!

The Titans beat Mesquite Poteet last night and moved to 2-1 for the season. Only a dedicated coach's family would endure a one-hour start delay and sticky drizzling rain to watch the game in its entirety (dedication and the fact Grandma, Chris' mom, was in town to watch)!! The things we do, I tell ya! :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Little "Turtle"

Campbell started Preschool today in his little Turtles class! He had several friends from last year's Penguin class and then some new friends he is excited about. Some of these are from Meet the Teacher last week and the others today. So cute I could just eat him up. :)

With his friend Rayna from last year.. he is the tallest in the class and she is the smallest. She is such a cutie!!
First Day! Nice smile, right?
Getting to know our new friends.

Ms. Cindy and Ms. Wendy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ugghh.. So Close!

Titans lost tonight to McKinney Boyd. It was a crazy and fun game, but this makes three years in a row to lose a hard fight. Mesquite Poteet next week! Go Titans!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh My!!!

That's pretty much all I can say right now!! hehe