Sunday, December 2, 2007


It was a long weekend for us.... Carley has been sick with Pneumonia since Thursday, so we have all been hanging around the house watching movies, playing in blanket-tents and drinking lots of Gatorade! Her antibiotic must be kicking in because she is feeling so much better and hasn't had a fever since Friday evening. So, when she woke up in another good mood this morning, we thought it would be a good time to take both kids up to see Santa (and to get them out of the house for a little while).

Seeing Santa was so much fun! Well worth the hour and 15 minute wait... which really isn't all that long in comparison to the long line that was there when we left!!!!! Carley jumped right up and told him she wanted a trampoline and puppet theater. Campbell wasn't as excited, but still did a great job! The pitch of his scream was much softer than we anticipated! ;)