Saturday, November 24, 2007

Straight Saturday

It is FREEZING outside!!!!!!!!!! Plus, we are all exhausted from getting home at midnight last night from Thanksgiving travels. So, today we are all vegging out inside. Carley and I were playing around and she let me do her nails, makeup and straighten her hair!!!! (While Daddy and Campbell watch football!) This is as straight as I could get it with the straighting iron!! It really cute, but makes her look way too old!!!!! And, it's just not our Carley Bear without those beautiful curls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Turkey Tour

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!!! I did not grab many photos from our annual "Tour of South Texas" (McKinney, Sealy, Katy/Richmond, El Campo, McKinney) this year, but did get these....
Chris and other hunting buddies went hunting Friday morning and the kids always love seeing what he comes home with!!! This time it was 13 ducks and 4 geese, all of which most the kids loved helping him clean.... YUK!!!!
Cousins Claire, Ali, Carley and Campbell
This one is some of our niece Aliah and nephew Ali in Houston together with Carley, Campbell and Chris roasting marshmallows in the fireplace. It was fun, but Carley wouldn't eat them until they cooled off and Campbell just liked to play with the sticks. Maybe next year they will grasp the concept a little more. Thanks Aunt Angie for inviting us to stay with you guys when you baby boy is due NEXT WEEK!!!!! :)

Fall with Friends

I just love this picture of the kids on a Saturday morning.... also, there is nothing like afternoon naps with Daddy!!! ;)

Last week, the kids and I had so much fun raking leaves then playing in them, spreading them out, then raking them back up again! Did I mention I love fall??? ;)

Although it felt like the beginning of summer a couple week's ago, there was evidence of Fall around us. My friend Melissa and I stopped to take these pictures of our kids in front of these really pretty trees close to where we live. However, there is a line of green trees in front of all the red, orange and yellow trees, so we couldn't really get a great shot while still keeping the kids in the picture. But, they are still pretty good pictures afterall....

Taryn, Taylor, Carley and Campbell

Carley and Campbell

Thursday, November 1, 2007


We had a great Halloween! The kids went to my mom and dad's church's Fall Festival the weekend before, Carley had her school festival and party the day of, I took them both to Scare on the Square the afternoon of, then we all went Trick-or-Treating with our neighbors the night of!!!!!! Man, we're pooped!!


"Scare on the Square" in downtown McKinney
Avery, A.J., Campbell and Carley
"Mom..Who the heck is this guy!!" - McKinney fireman at "Scare on the Square"
Will, Sam, Max, Avery, Carley, Campbell, A.J.

30 isn't so bad!

Thanks so much to all our friends that came out to celebrate my 30th birthday with us! Chris and I had a great time. We didn't feel 30 years old at all.... until the next morning!! :)

Steph missed the group photo, so we took our own!

Top L-R: Cory, Alison, Allen, Chris (What a hottie!!)
Bottom L-R: Mark, Dan, Carrie, Me, Michelle, Kacey