Friday, August 17, 2007

It's Football Season

Well, football season is here! (Stephanie knows my pain!) However, we had a great summer with Daddy home, so we understand it's now time to get back to the Real World!!! Every year the coaches get new "uniforms" and such, so yesterday Chris brought all the "gear" home and put it on the kids. Carley had fun trying it all on and Campbell did too, but only for a little while. (Which explains the funny look on his face in the last picture. ) Now, if I can just get Campbell walking, we'll be ready for Friday Nights!!!! :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Missing "Sister"

Carley has been having a blast at Nana and Papa's house since Saturday morning. She, Blanch and Lorabelle have had so much fun at Kid's Depot, Science Discovery (I think that is what it's called) and the movies!! Nana is bringing her home tomorrow night, then staying the night to hang out with Campbell. And, boy is he fun to hang out with!!! Chris and I have really enjoyed focusing only on him with Carley is gone. It's obvious he - like us- misses "Sister" though. Here are some photos I took this week. The first one is him playing in Steve's bed. Carley liked playing in there also when she was little. Campbell and Chris mowing was really funny... we let him push the mower down the sidewalk and then when I picked him up to come inside while Chris finished mowing, he threw a fit. So, Chris had to hold him while mowing most of the back yard!! It was funny, but actually pretty difficult to do. I guess he is going to be a wierdo and enjoy mowing the yard -and many others - like Daddy! :)

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sweet Reminiscing

Well, since I have been really bad about taking pictures lately, I don't have much new info to type about. HOWEVER, while Chris watched some gory guy-flick on TV last night, I messed around on the computer and started going through all our pictures! It was so much fun to remember the events for which we took the photos in the first place! Time goes so fast and schedules are so busy that I tend to forget too quickly fun times from the past. And the really sad thing about it is that I am not talking about pics from MANY MOONS AGO, but only up to 3 years ago! Now, that's pathetic! I must be turning 30 soon, as my lack of memory is really making me old! ;) Enjoy!

Breakfast is always better with a side of bunny ears!!!! Yummy!
We have to do this EVERY Christmas????

Aren't these Old Man shorts?

So this is what gas feels like!

Oh, Oh, Me..Me!! Pick Me!!!

Daddy: Now look me in the eyes and repeat after me... I WILL play football and run track! Campbell: Uggh...O.K.

Hey brother, when we get older, I am going to teach you lots of fun things... but right now I have to smile for the picture.

First day of Sunshine Kids Preschool: Got my mat, blankie and milk... Let's Go!

Best napping spot in the house!

Daddy says this fishin' pole is cool, but I'm not so sure yet!

Someone's not in the Christmas spirit!

Daddy's girl from the start!
Goin' to Grandma's house for Christmas (Carley, 2004)