Sunday, October 26, 2008


Holy Guacamole... Chris's team made the playoffs for the first time EVER! We will come in fourth in district and four teams go to the playoffs. So, we barely made it... but we make it. How exciting!!

Yesterday was my 31 birthday. I can't believe I am in my 30's now and not just 30! Being 30 was bad enough!! My parents and two of my nieces came into town to celebrate with us. We didn't do much celebrating, though, because I didn't feel well Saturday afternoon and night at all. Must be my old age.....

Have a great week everybody! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oh Boy!

SHould I be worried?????!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


Saturday night we took the kids bowling for the first time! It was fun, but man, I forgot how expensive bowling can be! Being her competitive self, it took a while for Carley to understand that she wouldn't always (and hardly ever) knock down all the pins at the same time. But, she got it - and the ramp helped TONS! Campbell liked it too.. he loved the ramp, but his little ball took FOREVER to make it down the lane. :)

Titans fall to the Bear Cats

Sorry for not adding last week's update - The Titans beat the Wolverines and moved to 4-1. However, this past Friday we lost to Sherman, making us now 4-2. Still having a great year, though!! :)