Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go Titans!!!

Chris' first football game of the season was Friday night. The Titans won 71-20!!! It was awesome and so nice to be on the winning side for a change. (Sorry, Honey!) Hopefully, this is is a sign of a good year to come. The kids had a blast, of course!

O.K. let me explain - Carley got a new cheerleader outfit from another coach's daughter who outgrew hers. Campbell was NOT happy about Carley getting something new and not him. The only way to calm him down was to get her old outfit out for him. Then, all was well with the world again! He kept that outfit on for hours, too!! A little unnerving, but you have to admit, pretty darn cute! :)

At the game on Friday!

Where do I start?

Hello all!! Oh my goodness, where do I start.. it has been SOOOOOO long since our last post, that there is absolutely no chance of catching you all up on everything that has gone on since then! So, I put together a quick glimpse at what we did over the summer all in one post. Then, we will just have to start anew! I promise to do better this time... :)

Carley, Campbell and Chris went fishing pretty much all spring and summer long. They love it!!
This past Spring, Carley won MVP of her t-ball team! We are playing again this fall and will soccer a try in the spring!

Chris and the kids decided to pitch a tent in the backyard and camp out one night. After 2 hours of trying to put a tent up only to find out it didn't have all the pieces - then borrowing our neighbors - the fun was on! 50 minutes later the camp out was over and both kids were knocking on the back door. It was funny at the time, but we will NOT be going to all the trouble again any time soon! :)

Campbell is such a big, little boy - he turned 2 on June 27! Time sure does fly...

Campbell moved up to a big boy bed! It is actually sad to see the empty crib in the corner. But as Carley says, "We'll just save it for the grand kids."

4. We had a FANTASTIC family trip down to San Antonio. It was so much fun having pillow fights in the hotel room and Sea World was amazing!